Saturday, August 22, 2015

Coincidences - Are You a Believer ??

I am generally not a believer in coincidence - been burned too many times in my career by following a data trail that seems compelling only to be jerked back to reality. So it goes.

The following essay was brought to my attention by StevanG (Jeff wise blogger) a couple of weeks ago. I had not seen it before, and I doubt many people have since it has not been referenced anywhere that I normally go relative to MH370. The author has a style that appeals to me - humble and unassuming. I have no opinion relative to his pedigree. I have not tried to validate his analytics. I present the essay as is. Link below. Please give it a careful read. It deserves that, IMO.

I will jump to the conclusion terminus with the graphic below (from the linked reference). The graphic shows the location of the wave height data collection sites.

A close up view of the terminus is shown below (from linked essay).

Contrast the above with my latest Christmas Island scenario (on this blog "Christmas Island Revisted"). I would "humbly" recommend reading that as well.

My speculative scenario was published prior to my awareness of the wave height essay referenced above provided to me by StevanG.  I think it is interesting. Certainly not anywhere near what I would categorize as compelling, however. Where is the f'ing debris?

Food for thought, in confusing times.

Added July 13, 2015

Tsunami wave speed as a function of ocean depth.

The height of the disturbance is small in deep water.

Debris - Reunion Island

This morning a debris (looks like part of an aircraft flap) find on Reunion Island was reported. Dr. Richard Cole brought the picture below to my attention via the JW blog. A Twitter poster compared it to a B777 flaperon.

The comparison looks very compelling to me. Reunion Island is East of Madagascar off the East coast of Africa. News reports claim the debris was found on the West coast of Reunion Island. See map below (Ignore red rings, they are range rings unrelated to this debris finding).

The burning question is if this flap belonged to MH370.

Let's suppose for a moment that it is from MH370. The next question is where did it come from? I offer the diagram of the Thermohaline Circulation below for your consideration. The red path is a surface current and the blue path is a deep current.

As the diagram shows, the surface current flows past Christmas Island North of Australia and past the West Coast of Reunion Island (between Reunion Island and Madagascar).

I think that is interesting.  I anxiously await the analysis of this debris find.