So Victor Iannello posted his latest paper on the Shah simulator data to Reddit. One has to wonder why, as an IG member in good standing, that it was not published on Duncan Steel's blog. The simple answer, IMO, as that Duncan is a zealot. He has long been suffering under the illusion that the fate of MH370 can be solved with a spreadsheet and pure analytics. He has steadfastly refused to consider human behavioral forensics as an acceptable investigative avenue. I am sure that Victor and Duncan remain friends. They are just divergent on what is relevant.
So it goes with the JW blog. It has largely been taken over by those who cling to the notion that it is somehow immoral and unacceptable to point the finger at Shah. Then we have Wise himself advocating the notion that agents of a sovereign state are running around the edges of the SIO planting debris.
I feel there is definitely a convergence taking place. The terminus is most likely in the 25S-27S range on the last range ring.