Tuesday, January 31, 2017

So I Took Sweetie to Lunch Today (Part 2)

Willows, California, 31 January 2017.

First things first. I did buy a cartoon of smokes before the new California $2/pack additional tax goes into effect. Just like Cali residents to approve a tax that discriminates against a minority. Do you have any idea how stupid that makes the people of California look? Advocating universal rights and acceptance while penalizing a minority under the guise of doing what is good for them. Wow, what a bunch of con artists.

Second things second. Had the chicken mole washed down by a Bohemia. OMG, it was so good. Of course, I had a gigantic margarita before lunch arrived.

As is our custom, Ami and I read the Chico News and Review (CNR) while waiting for lunch to arrive. As most of you may know, Chico is the Nor Cal hotbed for the California counter-culture (counter to anything). Active drug scene, free sex, and all the other stuff embodied in the Millennial YOLO (You Only Live Once) war cry. Scanning the CNR it was obvious that they embrace the notions held by many on Wise blog. A couple of captures below.


<First paragraph or so of article>

Clearly the work of people with nothing better to do.  I have no issue with their sincerity. I have major issues with their intelligence. Do they really believe what they are saying? Apparently so. No mention of the fact that Hillary is a criminal. But hey, what can can you expect from Chico which is a satellite of the Bay Area shit hole. Benghazi and the email issue aside, both Clinton's were peddling access for profit. Not to mention totally outrageous speaking fees.

Clinton Foundation

In any case, Jeff Wise, has friends in Northern California. Chico has the well-deserved reputation as an anything goes party town. I try to avoid the place myself. Of course, voter turnout in Chico was about 30%.  They label themselves as progressives, not liberals. Apparently taking the time to whine is easier than taking the time to vote. Not that voting in California has any meaning except for local issues.

The cut-pastes above highlight some of the problems with journalists. The first problem, of course, is that they are not too bright. As the snippets above show, it is not news that is being reported. Everyone knows Trump was elected. Like Wise, the journalists above are telling you what to think which is not their mission in life. It probably comes as a shock to the Wise's of the world that I really don't care what they think. I can form my own conclusions. Accurately and objectively report the news for god's sake, and leave your spin on it to yourself. Of course, in the context of a blog it is quite alright to stick your opinion out there, but only if the opinions of others on the blog are uncensored and respected. Wise does not operate that way.

The second, and more serious problem, is that journalists can print whatever they like with impunity. Even stuff bordering on if not downright sedition, and actively encouraging sedition. JW's MH370 blog highlights a third issue. That is the clear intention to filter dissenting opinions any way you please. Under the guise of protecting the constitution? A clear violation of any sense of journalistic ethics (oxymoron?). In the case of the JW blog, why would anyone participate any longer unless they agree with JW?  That is not a popular option for most people, especially concerning the fate of MH370.

The reality is the rants about Trump, while not without some justification, ignore the underlying causality. The democrats reached into their rolodex and picked just about the only candidate that Trump could defeat. Their selection was damaged merchandize. The dems have only themselves to blame for a poor choice, and a poorly run campaign. The rioters and demonstrators should direct their anger in the proper direction, that is at the democratic party leadership.